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Stitch In Time

    Todd Jordan
    Smut is good.

  • Stitch In Time

    Released by: Cinema Epoch
    Released on: 6/5/2012
    Director: Jigeesh Magar
    Cast: Jesse Steccato, Richard Riehle, Nicole DuPort, Mackenzie Firgens
    Year: 2012
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    The Movie:

    Roy Stitch (Jesse Steccato) works for his crime boss of an uncle, Norman (Richard Riehle) making collections. People owe Uncle Norm some money, and Roy gets them to pay it. It's a life of violence and one Roy was never too keen on getting involved with. Especially after he met a really nice woman named Milly (Nicole DuPort), who was okay with what he did for work. After an untimely death befell Milly, Roy becomes inept at his work and struggles to get back to his old self.

    Enter Sunny (Mackenzie Firgens) a young woman who waited on Roy in an upscale restaurant. The two have an interesting relationship right from the start, and it makes Roy want to get out of the business even more. A piece of information makes its way to him that doesn't sit well at all gives him that opportunity he'd been waiting for: get away from his uncle and the business and find happiness with his new lady friend.

    The story unfolds through a series of flashbacks that eventually catch everyone up to where the main character is and how he addresses his most recent dilemma. At times it can get slightly confusing until you realize it's a flashback, or you realize the flashback is over and its current time again. It eventually all irons out and make sense, but the lack of noticeable transitions is a real drawback. Still, the story is an interesting one and the filmmakers do a fine job of making it look like a larger movie than it is. And speaking of the filmmakers, the cinematography is something worthy of mention, as they get a bit creative here and there with some great segments. For example, the entire opening of the film is one long take. Yes, it's been done before, but it's always a nice touch.

    Performances are good all around. With Steccato making his role a multi-layered one and shows some real talent. Here's to hoping he shows up in more and with more exposure. Both the ladies in the picture are attractive and very likeable, and both very different characters. Richard Riehle is the only easily recognizable name and does his usual fine job in his character, avoiding an over-the-top crime boss performance and going for the straight method. And his lackeys are worth mentioning too.

    Aside from the sometimes-confusing time jumps, the story maintains a level of interest that keeps the flow going at a nice pace. The romance stuff is kept to a minimum and never gets in the way of keeping things interesting. The violence level is up there, also enough to keep things interesting, and with the help of some nicely assembled segments. Despite its low-budget foundation, they do a really great job with making the viewer forget or not even realize how small a picture it is.


    Stitch In Time is presented with an anamorphic widescreen aspect ratio of 1.77:1 and provides a pleasing picture throughout. A clear image, with vibrant colors and lots of detail. Things are bright, black levels are satisfying, and really, there's nothing to complain about. A solid video presentation is all there is to report. The audio is a 2.0 Dolby Digital track that is clear and sounds great. No pops or hisses, and everyone is easy to understand. Nothing fancy here, but does its job just fine.

    For extras, first and foremost is an audio commentary with the writer-director and the cinematographer. They provide a typical commentary but are enthusiastic and keep things moving along nicely. It's the stuff good commentaries pump out: why certain decisions were made, influenced shots and scenes, and the experiences of indie filmmakers. A still gallery (screen captures) and a trailer for he film are also on the disc.

    The Final Word:

    Cinema Epoch put out a nice product with this DVD that doesn't go heavy on extras we don't need to see. It's worth checking out and if you dig commentaries, it's worth picking up.

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